The oximeter can be used to measure human haemoglobin saturation and pulse rate through finger. The product is suitable for family, Hospital (including clinical use in internist/surgery, paediatric etc), oxygen bar, social medical organisations, physical care in sports and etc.
Warranty Period - 1 Year repair warranty (*TnC Apply)
Intended use - The product is intended for noninvasive monitoring of the Oxygen Level (SPO2) and Pulse Rate (PR)
Contraindication - It is not for intensive care or person whose finger is injured
Product features -
(a) Lightweight for carrying and easy-to-use
(b) Manually adjust the direction of interface
(c) LED display, simultaneous display for testing value and plethysmogram.
(d) Real-time spot-checks
(e) Low battery voltage indicator
(f) Automatically standby or sleep
(g) CE & FDA approved accreditation